I am a bookworm. I also fancy myself a writer. I get such mixed emotions when I see that a book or series that I love is being made into a movie or as I like to call them boovies. In each and every boovie I have seen I have wished they would have stayed true to the book. For myself I would be fearful that my life's work would be ruined by a casting crew who misses the boat or a director who wants to "make it their own". Should I be blessed enough to one day be a best selling novelist who is approached to make a boovie I would have to lay it out like this "The thing is Speilberg, it's not yours... it's mine and belongs to the fans and myself. We love it the way it is and just want to see it brought to life. So let's make it happen." hehe
In some instances it is good for example Harry Potter, I take my hat off to you. They got so many characters right and only a few wrong, and a few were right but the hair, makeup and costume team let em down(cough, cough Lupin.) As far as staying to the books lets be real they left out a lot. I'm not going to list all the ways but I will say this "Where is Peeves!?" I was twice as upset once I found out that they had him in originally and being played by none other then DROP DEAD FRED but cut him out! Why? I understand it is difficult with such a long book but honestly myself and I am sure many other Potter fans would not have minded each movie to be 5 hours long.
Then you have books like Twilight. When I see the movies I think to myself..."Did I read a different series? The casting team clearly did not read the same descriptions that I read. Uh Bella, Eric, Tyler, Edward...Sharkboy.....etc." I being a west coast girl and living in the NW was excited to read a series that was set in one of the most beautiful corners of the world, then I saw the movie and was disappointed in how inaccurate it was, It is not dark, dreary and blue toned. No one wears parkas here and we certainly don't use umbrellas unless it is a sunny day at the park. This series was guilty of my biggest pet peeve, adding things that didn't happen in the book while leaving out stuff that did! Which leads me directly into...
The Hunger Games. They as well added stuff that was not actually written into the book but in this case I think it enhanced the fans experience. Being able to see the games from the viewpoint of the game makers was a great idea. I'm not amazed by the casting choices however, Prim didn't fit for me I didn't buy her emotions at all. Peeta was an all around bad choice he was too well known and therefore can never truly be Peeta. Lastly Cato, are you serious with me on this one...the kid from race to witch mountain (the remake) look its not that I have a problem with previously known actor bing in boovie roles....ok Yes I do have a problem with that but only in certain key roles and more so when they don't fit script. He is not scary, intimidated or even Career looking to me. I don't look at him and think "Look out for that guy, He has clearly been training for this his whole life!" My biggest gripe with the hunger games is that they again left out a key player....Madge, you know the one with the mockingjay pin...that actually started the rebellion....Why on earth did they take away all of her glory...that is not cool. I do not approve.
In short I love books and I love Movies but when you combine the two it can get questionable.
The Blog That Drips With Sarcasm and Honesty. A random blog that will range in topics as life's twists and turns take me where they may... saddle up and enjoy the ride :)
Friday, October 12, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
What To Think About Before Voting

This blog isn’t about who is more qualified or who you/I should vote for. I would like to ask a favor of my readers. This year before you vote think about it...who does your vote effect? Who does it effect the most? The truth is your vote effects you and your immediate family of course but it also effects your neighbors, co-workers, extended family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. Your vote effects the daily lives of every American, even me. There is one group of Americans that your vote effects possibly more then any other group. The “middle class” is an often overlooked group of people but to tell you the truth they are the ones carry the weight of the free world. What is the “middle class” you ask, anyone earning 40k to 120k. This is a large gap which leads most people to write off the middle class as rich people who make over 100k and “shouldn't be whining” but that is not the case.
I want to tell you about a man in the middle class. The vote you cast will effect him greatly. In the last year he has averaged 93 hours per week. He has been home for a total of 40 days out of 365. He wants to take his wife to Switzerland. So he works long hard days in -20 degrees, in over 100 degrees, in rain, in sleet, in snow, in drought he works for her. To make sure she has what she needs back home, to save for their future and to make it to Switzerland. Every check he cashes is 1/3 less then he earned. That is how much is taken from him. Over the last year they have run across several situations. A friend was in need of help and they gave it. Their dog was in need of care and got it. A family member was in a very sticky predicament and they drained their wedding account to help him. A boy was in the mall with his mom at a shoe store eyeing a pair of shoes, his were old and the soles falling off. His mother said she couldn’t afford new shoes. He pleaded with her “Please mom I start school next week!” She said “I’m sorry but I can’t. The man grabbed the salesman and asked him to ring up the shoes for the boy. When a friend is in need he has helped, when family was down he has helped, when his own is in need he provides and when a stranger can not afford shoes for her son he helps and does so without judgement. Simply because that is the right thing to do but at the end of the year he looks at his savings and there is nothing left for Switzerland though he has worked so hard for it. When he looks at the taxes paid column of his stub he sees enough for two trips. We know where his portion went but where did this third of his hard work go? To Medicare....for people to pay for drugs they do not need but take daily anyways? To a woman on welfare who purchased nipple piercing with her TANF. For food stamps to go to the physically able 19 year old with brand news “tats” who refuses a job because it entails working on the weekend? To feed and cloth murders and drug dealers in prison? Or did it buy another vacation for a family of politicians?
Politicians may babble on about “fair share” but the middle class is paying way way more then their “fair share” while others the rich and the poor are not. This country would crumble in weeks if not days were the middle class to throw their hands up, quit and head down to the welfare line. If you are on any kind of assistance that money is not coming from the government; it is coming from the owner of your favorite bakery, the dental assistant that cleans your teeth and the man I told you about in this blog. So please don’t only vote for yourself this year vote for all those people that are working hard everyday, sacrificing and being taken from to fund who knows what. Vote with the best interest of your country and it’s people in mind.
election 2012,
middle class,
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Travel Blog: Greater Yellowstone Raptor Experience
I have found myself on the road again and back in Yellowstone country which by my way of thinking makes me a lucky girl! If you only ever take one road trip, Yellowstone should be the one! Especially with kids, which is what we did last summer. The whole lot of us became junior rangers in both Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, That's right, I display my badges with pride. This time around I am exploring the lands surrounding the great national parks.
While reading the latest Evanovich series and patiently waiting for Yogi to get off work a feeling came over me. It was telling me to look out my hotel window, So I did and what I found made me do a double take. A man was holding a hawk, I snatched up my camera, attached the animal lens and walked/jogged to the scene. I found a somewhat shady spot and began shooting the hawk while a woman was using an interactive technique to teach a group of children about the animals she had with her, how they came to be in her life and what their wild counterparts do to survive. I quickly became enthralled and couldn't believe my luck! A few weeks ago I decided to write a raptor into my book. This was just the sort of information I would have been googling like crazy for, instead I was able to learn it all in a fantastically unexpected way.
First was Isham he is a Red-tailed Hawk who lost his right eye some years ago and spent many years in New Mexico dazzling the minds of young children there. Now he is an Avian Ambassador for the Greater Yellowstone Raptor Experience at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming.
Speed eating victor, Hayabusa |
![]() |
Suli giving her LMFAO "I'm Sexy and I know it" pose |
Last up was the Turkey Vulture Suli(Sue-Lee) who was found on a farm in Kansas. She was thought to be abandoned and was raised in captivity. She was the funniest of the birds, showing off her impressive wingspan anytime a camera was raised in her directions. Suli doesn't know that she is a bird but rather thinks herself to be human. She has an obvious love and mutual trust with her handler. At one point she she gives her a look so as to say “ The crowd is loving us!” and we were!
Each of the Birds has their own Facebook page which you can find here as well as other info on how and where to see them for yourself.... http://www.bbhc.org/explore/greater-yellowstone-natural-history/raptor-experience/
They also have a blog: http://raptorexperience.wordpress.com/
I am Lord Vulturmort! Only kidding children! |
The yellow is so striking! |
Can you see me? |
Wait! Why did Haya get a mouse? |
Sunday, June 10, 2012
What's New
Also I went to Hawaii where Yogi and I zip lined, parasailed, snorkeled, ate a lot of food, shopped for deals in the international market place and I feel like I'm forgetting something.....Oh Yea! We got Married! We enjoyed one week of marital bliss before Yogi headed back to the rolling fields of oil.
It is summer time now, perhaps not actually, nor could you tell by the weather but in terms of TV it is summer. All of my shows are done till fall so.... I should have more time to crank out some blogs, tweets, and write my books, Yes I'm writing two series at once now.. See I told you there is a lot going on! This is all assuming I am able to resist the intense and ever-growing pull to join pintrest, if I do I fear that I will never accomplish anything.
Tonight I am under the influence of a heavy dosing of allergy medication and eating chocolate while finishing my Johnny Depp birthday marathon....Watched: Dead Man, Rum Diary, Astronaut's Wife, Cry Baby and now Edward Scissorhands!
Until later Readers ;)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
What pills to take?
I have been asked several times by family, friends and random strangers who have read my blog...Is this pill safe, Is that pill safe or should I take this medicine or not? I am writing this entry in dedication to my beautiful Aunt who has been diagnosed with Lupus. She made me realize that I should put some of this information out into the world. This is all based on my experience and is a personal opinion. I am not a doctor, pharmacist or medical professional just a person who was a healthy 20 y/o athlete in college who has been crippled for 5 years now all because she took the antibiotic Levaquin and has spent much of her bedridden days researching the truth. (Run on sentence I know, Mr Giffin would not be proud but hey it is to make a point)
I want to first say that I have a system: I have one young pharmacist and one old timer that both know and admit the dangers of antibiotics..I feel like this is the most important thing anyone can do especially someone with an ongoing illness. That way you get the freshest info from the young one and the real life experience from the older one. Run any meds by them before filling a script.
Doctors are not the best to talk over meds with because A: they are not required to know what they are prescribing or any of the side effects. B: They make their money by diagnosing people with ongoing diseases, giving them meds and then having to monitor them. They dont want you better, they want you coming back as often as possible. C: They get expensive perks from the drug companies to push their drugs.
This next sentiment has been said before and if you have read it but haven’t quite bought into it, you should! You know your body! A doctor does not know your body. You are the expert on how it reacts to meds and how much you can handle of the symptoms you have. The medical and pharmaceutical world doesn’t want or strive for cures, that would be “bad biz”. They make more money off of you by giving you a label such as “Depression” telling you there is no cure, only treatment and then handing out a script or two or three that you will take for the rest of your life. It is Bullshit. A doctor will tell you that you “need” a drug but you don’t. It might help your symptom but it might also give you ten more which your doctor will then scribe you a few more pills to alleviate those symptoms until you are in your 60’s and taking 23 pills a day or more!
For those of us whose illnesses are real and not going anywhere that leaves you with the symptoms. To treat or not to treat that is the question. A symptom is a sign that something is going on inside your body. Focus on the cause rather then the effect. I should also mention that I will not take any prescription medication(this includes vaccines) unless I will literally die if I don't take it. If it is a treatment and not a cure then it is not needed in my body. So my general advice is don't take anything unless that is the case. If you can live with the symptoms or find natural ways of treating them then I would go with that. I do not take anything for my disabilities with the exception of Diphenhydramine(for allergies) and Aleve(only when it hurt so much i'll chop a limb off if it doesn’t let up a little) It is amazing what your body can adapt to and even more amazing to know what your mind can conquer. I am living and working proof of that.
People have this idea in their head that life and more so their bodies should not inconvenience them. That symptoms should go away or be treated away. Like a fever, people think it is horrible and should be treated immediately. A fever is YOUR body raising ITS temperature to kill off an unsafe intruder. If you take fever reducer you are stoping a natural process and allowing that intruder to grow inside of you, thus leaving yourself sicker for longer. I let it ride and only take reducer when it is too high which results in me only being sick for about two days. My grandmother goes straight for the cold medicine at the first sniffle and is sick for weeks. Everyone has struggles in life, maybe the point isn't to find a quick and easy band-aid solution but to learn to endure and overcome.
People have this idea in their head that life and more so their bodies should not inconvenience them. That symptoms should go away or be treated away. Like a fever, people think it is horrible and should be treated immediately. A fever is YOUR body raising ITS temperature to kill off an unsafe intruder. If you take fever reducer you are stoping a natural process and allowing that intruder to grow inside of you, thus leaving yourself sicker for longer. I let it ride and only take reducer when it is too high which results in me only being sick for about two days. My grandmother goes straight for the cold medicine at the first sniffle and is sick for weeks. Everyone has struggles in life, maybe the point isn't to find a quick and easy band-aid solution but to learn to endure and overcome.
Unfortunately with drugs you never know what your bodies reaction to it will be until you take it or the lasting effects until you stop. That is why you have to pick and choose what you HAVE to put in your body and what you don’t. It is also important to remember that putting chemicals in your body is dangerous. "Medicines" are not always a miracle or even a treatment but sometimes the cause. A woman who had AIDs was taking 84 pills a day, She did not die from AIDs but from liver failure as a result of the prolonged exposure to the pills. 84 pills a day took her life only 7 years after diagnosis, at the age of 49. On the flip side there is a 94 y/o woman in Portland, OR who is still walking with no assistance and describes herself to be "healthy as a horse!" I asked her what her secret is she said "I eat REAL food and never take any medicines."
I hope I haven't scared you. There is no simple answer with this stuff except to educate and trust yourself. Be safe.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Suffer No More...Well at least not as much.
This blog is for any who have allergies, children with allergies, family or even friends whose repeated sneezes make you sad. Don't forget to say bless you! I have literally suffered for years and years from allergies to the point that my eyes swell shut for days and I sneeze in excess of 40 times a day which results in nose bleeds, all over body pain and headaches. I read up a bit and even joined an online support group for allergy sufferers :) After much research I have narrowed down my experiments for this year to two things. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and Raw localish Honey.
The Apple Cider Vinegar has done lots for me beside allergy relief, most noticeably my face has gotten super clear in a very short amount of time. One of the nasty and lasting side effects of quinolone poisoning is the face of a preteen who binges on potato chips for breakfast. I have tried the expensive treatments and even proactiv which is what I was using when I began the ACV. My face was badly broken out due to the proactiv within a week of the ACV my face had cleared greatly. I also have more energy and feel hungry less often then before. I have been drinking two tablespoons a day and spritzing a 50/50 water ACV mix on my face AM and PM.
Raw Localish Honey! This is honey that is collected in the region of America that you live in, in the picture you can see in the upper right hand corner it says collected in the Pacific Northwest. This seems to be the key as far as the allergy aid is concerned. I get two kinds, the local raw by Uncle Henry's and Y.S. organic bee farms Raw, unfiltered, unparteurized honey because they each have a different texture and taste. I love them both and now sweeten my tea, smoothies, cereal and quinoa with honey. I eat it as a dip with fresh Strawberries(plus real whipped cream), apples, blackberries and cinnamon teddy grahams. I love to make peanut butter and honey sandwiches and eat it straight up on a spoon. :) Other ways that I have used the honey is as a wound treatment, I put it on a bad burn and it was weird but helped a lot. I try to eat at 3-4 tablespoons a day, which for me isn't hard. I will note that it was hard at first because my taste buds were used to artificial sweeteners and white sugar. Now i don't use anything but honey!
Now, back to the allergies. This season I have taken no allergy meds. Have I sneezed? Yes, but no more then 4 times a day!! Having the muscle pain the sneezing gets to a point where I am in so much pain that each sneeze feels like it is tearing several muscles in my back and chest, I am so happy to have the sneezing minimized!! I have itched but not to the point of uncontrolled scratching. My eyes have not itched yet and have not swollen at all. I still have some nasal swelling but can breath easily enough through my nostrils. I am not sure if it is the honey or the vinegar or the combination of the two, but this has been the best allergy season I can remember. In conclusion neither is a miracle cure is certainly helpful.
The Apple Cider Vinegar has done lots for me beside allergy relief, most noticeably my face has gotten super clear in a very short amount of time. One of the nasty and lasting side effects of quinolone poisoning is the face of a preteen who binges on potato chips for breakfast. I have tried the expensive treatments and even proactiv which is what I was using when I began the ACV. My face was badly broken out due to the proactiv within a week of the ACV my face had cleared greatly. I also have more energy and feel hungry less often then before. I have been drinking two tablespoons a day and spritzing a 50/50 water ACV mix on my face AM and PM.
Now, back to the allergies. This season I have taken no allergy meds. Have I sneezed? Yes, but no more then 4 times a day!! Having the muscle pain the sneezing gets to a point where I am in so much pain that each sneeze feels like it is tearing several muscles in my back and chest, I am so happy to have the sneezing minimized!! I have itched but not to the point of uncontrolled scratching. My eyes have not itched yet and have not swollen at all. I still have some nasal swelling but can breath easily enough through my nostrils. I am not sure if it is the honey or the vinegar or the combination of the two, but this has been the best allergy season I can remember. In conclusion neither is a miracle cure is certainly helpful.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Attention "Gentleman"
Are you a man who is single? Have you ever thought to yourself "I did everything right, I held the door for her, complimented her, struck up conversation and even made myself look silly in an attempt to make her smile! Why doesn't she want to date me!?" Ever said there are no good girls out there or they are all bitches? Well good sir Maybe it is not us but rather you....True there are a lot of useless woman out there, girls looking for free drinks, girls that are gold digging, and some that just want to have fun then ignore your texts for further amusement. My defense is simply that those women have been burned by D-bags in the past and are now using men the way they were used... Doesn't feel so good does it boys? If you have grown beyond that phase in your life and really are wanting a woman you can love then ask yourself if you have the skills to be relationship material. Are you a gentleman? No No No A real gentleman! Let me tell you a true story.
I'm at the gym, it's late morning and I am enjoying myself in the Zumba Gold for seniors class with my mother. Why does a woman in her 20's go to the Seniors Zumba you ask? Because I'm crippled and I like the people! I have found that 90 percent of people in their twilight years are kind, non-judgmental, encouraging, accepting and have no place in their life for comparison. I'm three songs in and dying, when this dude comes in....maybe 35 idk. He Zumbas a bit and then sits in the back of the class...Hello Buddy, there is a mirror and I can see you staring at my ass....NOT COOL.
Mom and I are guzzling water between songs and he approaches me holds out his hand and introduces himself while I am mid gulp so I nod and he asks for my name. I tell him and he tells me I'm good at Zumba. I get it, you are a man so certainly not a mind reader and can't tell by looking at me that I am disabled with multiple system damage and spent the last two days in bed. Common sense would tell me that the reason a person like me would pick a crowd like this is one of two reasons, I like to do Zumba with my Nana or I don't want to be hit on and stared at like the lovely ladies in the Full on Zumba classes have to endure. I do give him props for being bold enough to say hello however what really bothered me about this encounter is the fact that he acted as though my mother did not exist. Are you kidding me bro!? That kind of behavior sends off my douche bag radar.
Not satisfied with his failed attempt he decided to stand by me when the song "Stand By Me" comes on and Zumbas in unison with me.... creepy! He tires of this quickly and resumes his position of staring at my ass while sitting on his. At the end of the class he waits for me at the door so we purposely wait him out but he doesn't give up.... So we give in and head for the door he holds the door for me and then lets it go in the face of a few elderly ladies that were behind me!!!! Seriously!? Then has the nerve to meaningfully look me in the eyes and tell me to have an amazing day. I flash him my ring and a quick thanks then walk away.
This sort of thing happens all the time to women all around the world. Dude you think you are doing all the right things but all you did was show how immature and not ready for a relationship you are. The good girls of this world are that way for a reason...we are smart! We look at this scenario and say to ourselves.
He has poor observational skills: Ring + Left hand = Taken, asked for my name mid drink. Disrespectful: acted like my companion was invisible, stared at my ass for an hour. Presumptuous: Really, do you think we are ready to be dancing to Stand by me together? Not a true gentleman: If you are going to hold a door for a pretty lady before an elderly one you suck at life! This action tells a woman that the chivalrous actions you are displaying towards them is a ruse and will soon enough stop once the newness of dating wears off. Men, you can not fool a "good girl" we see right through it.
So for those that really are wanting a good girl and a relationship that lasts, start skill building. Train yourself to be the best person you can be, just like working on a six pack it takes time and effort. Begin by opening the door for any woman you come across no matter her looks, age, or size. If there is a man behind her hold it for him too, its call human decency. Resist the urge to look at a woman's breast and butt, I know this is hard but we do notice even when you think you were slick. Work on your skills of observation, check for a ring before you check the booty. Don't ask questions when she is eating, drinking or mid sentence. Give compliments and advice, If you see a guy in the razor section looking confused as to which he should buy... recommend your favorite. If you see a women in her late 50's twisting in the mirror muling over a new dress... tell her it looks amazing. In short I'm saying be kind and bold to everyone. Women want a man who is genuinely kind and chivalrous not one who pretends to be for her. I'm sure you are a great guy with a lot to offer, if you add a few of these skills and turn them into healthy habits you will find a good girl. I was lucky and landed myself a man you was very well skilled in being a true gentleman, I owe his mother, grandmother, aunts and sister my gratitude! Thanks you ladies you did a fabulous job although he is sick of shopping :P Happy Love Hunting.
I'm at the gym, it's late morning and I am enjoying myself in the Zumba Gold for seniors class with my mother. Why does a woman in her 20's go to the Seniors Zumba you ask? Because I'm crippled and I like the people! I have found that 90 percent of people in their twilight years are kind, non-judgmental, encouraging, accepting and have no place in their life for comparison. I'm three songs in and dying, when this dude comes in....maybe 35 idk. He Zumbas a bit and then sits in the back of the class...Hello Buddy, there is a mirror and I can see you staring at my ass....NOT COOL.
Mom and I are guzzling water between songs and he approaches me holds out his hand and introduces himself while I am mid gulp so I nod and he asks for my name. I tell him and he tells me I'm good at Zumba. I get it, you are a man so certainly not a mind reader and can't tell by looking at me that I am disabled with multiple system damage and spent the last two days in bed. Common sense would tell me that the reason a person like me would pick a crowd like this is one of two reasons, I like to do Zumba with my Nana or I don't want to be hit on and stared at like the lovely ladies in the Full on Zumba classes have to endure. I do give him props for being bold enough to say hello however what really bothered me about this encounter is the fact that he acted as though my mother did not exist. Are you kidding me bro!? That kind of behavior sends off my douche bag radar.
Not satisfied with his failed attempt he decided to stand by me when the song "Stand By Me" comes on and Zumbas in unison with me.... creepy! He tires of this quickly and resumes his position of staring at my ass while sitting on his. At the end of the class he waits for me at the door so we purposely wait him out but he doesn't give up.... So we give in and head for the door he holds the door for me and then lets it go in the face of a few elderly ladies that were behind me!!!! Seriously!? Then has the nerve to meaningfully look me in the eyes and tell me to have an amazing day. I flash him my ring and a quick thanks then walk away.
This sort of thing happens all the time to women all around the world. Dude you think you are doing all the right things but all you did was show how immature and not ready for a relationship you are. The good girls of this world are that way for a reason...we are smart! We look at this scenario and say to ourselves.
He has poor observational skills: Ring + Left hand = Taken, asked for my name mid drink. Disrespectful: acted like my companion was invisible, stared at my ass for an hour. Presumptuous: Really, do you think we are ready to be dancing to Stand by me together? Not a true gentleman: If you are going to hold a door for a pretty lady before an elderly one you suck at life! This action tells a woman that the chivalrous actions you are displaying towards them is a ruse and will soon enough stop once the newness of dating wears off. Men, you can not fool a "good girl" we see right through it.
So for those that really are wanting a good girl and a relationship that lasts, start skill building. Train yourself to be the best person you can be, just like working on a six pack it takes time and effort. Begin by opening the door for any woman you come across no matter her looks, age, or size. If there is a man behind her hold it for him too, its call human decency. Resist the urge to look at a woman's breast and butt, I know this is hard but we do notice even when you think you were slick. Work on your skills of observation, check for a ring before you check the booty. Don't ask questions when she is eating, drinking or mid sentence. Give compliments and advice, If you see a guy in the razor section looking confused as to which he should buy... recommend your favorite. If you see a women in her late 50's twisting in the mirror muling over a new dress... tell her it looks amazing. In short I'm saying be kind and bold to everyone. Women want a man who is genuinely kind and chivalrous not one who pretends to be for her. I'm sure you are a great guy with a lot to offer, if you add a few of these skills and turn them into healthy habits you will find a good girl. I was lucky and landed myself a man you was very well skilled in being a true gentleman, I owe his mother, grandmother, aunts and sister my gratitude! Thanks you ladies you did a fabulous job although he is sick of shopping :P Happy Love Hunting.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Manestage Theatre Company
I found this hidden jewel while living in Bonney Lake, WA. I ventured into the tiny town of Sumner looking for a used book store that resides in its historic downtown strip. The book store, named A GOOD BOOK is full of AMAZING books and great people. I am biased though, being a bookworm I think all other bookworms are great. Really though these ladies and a gentleman love books and between them all you can be pointed in the direction of an amazing book in any genre. I highly recommend stopping in there if you love books. So here I am driving towards A Good Book and I see a sign that says Pride and Prejudice by Manestage Theatre Company. I get home with my haul of books and google for the website to find the next showing.
I grabbed Yogi and we headed to the theatre to watch a play. It was delightful, this was my first time seeing live theatre outside of a high school production. I enjoyed it so much that we have continued going even after we moved. I have seen several of their plays now and my favorites were as I formentioned Pride and Prejudice...
Cinderella: This was wonderfully done. All of the cast fit their characters well and their voices were top notch. The prince was the stand out for me and my little sister in this one.
State Fair: This was perhaps my favorite that I have seen, It went by so fast. I wished it wasn't over or that I could rewind it. I don't have a favorite in this one because everyone did so amazing!
The Wizard of Oz: Of all the times I've been to the play now this was the most detailed and splendid makeup/costuming I have seen. The scarecrow was so funny, Toto was a true professional, the tin man was intriguing and the cowardly lion was lovable! I was disappointed not to hear over the rainbow but loved the songs they chose. This was my younger siblings first introduction to the story of OZ and they loved it.
The latest production was Narnia The Musical so I will give a more in depth review. I will say if every playhouse has to have a flop this one would be it for me, They didn't draw the curtains for set changes which took away from the mystique. Warning: You should be aware of my undying devotion to the C.S Lewis novels thusly I am a stickler for these books being impeccably covered. My biggest issue was the White Witch. She screamed.... A Lot. She should at all times remain cool, calm and collected even in anger. She is so presumptuous in her power and arrogant on her thrown that she has no need to lose control. The screeching actually gave me a headache, which was unfortunate as I was seated close to the orchestra which was wonderful but tended to be louder then the voices on stage and drowned them out often. The brilliance on stage was Mr and Mrs. Beaver, they were perfect. Mr. Tumnus did terrific and was very believably a fawn. Lucy's voice was the best of the night and Edmund was perfectly dislikable, which is exactly how he should be. I would like to also mention that the makeup and costumes were admirable.
I love this company and will continue to go to each production I can until I no longer live in Washington. If you are anywhere in the area and want to have a spectacular time, this is the place!!! I suggest you take your wife, husband, children, grandparents or really anyone and everyone who will see and appreciate the beauty of live theatre. Next Up is:
Manestage Theatre Company,
First Aid Beauty
I have been using First Aid Beauty or FAB products since early 2010. After getting multiple system damage as well as chemical sensitivities from taking Levaquin, I decided I wanted to try and cut out chemicals from my life. I started looking for products that didn't have harsh chemicals like paraben, sulfates, dyes, fragrances, etc. I stumbled onto a store called sephora and bought a starter kit of FAB as well as Boscia. The Boscia has weird smells to each of their products and really didn't do much for me although I love their Botanical blast tonic spray. The FAB kit though was a blessing in adorable packaging. It lasted me about 4 months and cost $15.
The Face Cleanser: It is also smell free and works well. It is one of those products that follows the rule "A little goes a long way." Yogi still uses this cleanser and loves it, I am trying out others to see which side of the fence is greener or in this case clearer.
The Daily Face Cream: This product I am in love with but I do question our future together for only one reason, it doesn't have an SPF in it. :(
I went back to repurchase in the full sizes and the Fab Favs caught my eye. It is $38.00 and all of the products are FULL SIZE!
The Ultra Repair Cream: This is the real deal for serious moisturizing. I use it after swimming as my skin really dries out afterwards. For my hubby It is great for his hands after work, My little sister has a touch of eczema and this clears it up nicely. I highly recommend this product.
Radiance Pads: Yogi works A Lot and Very Hard in a Dirty Job! These little pads are a god send for him. He gets off work and can grab one or two of these to get the guck off his face as soon as possible. For me my skin is a little too sensitive to rub with anything. He loves em though.
My Mumsie tried the Red Serum by FAB and it did have a noticeable difference in the redness to her cheeks but is in no way a miracle cure for redness.
So I went back to repurchase the Ultra Repair Cream as my whole family invades my stash! and I found this little kit! $18
I was so excited to find this because the Cleanser and Cream will last me at least 4 months and I have been dying to try their new shave cream.
Shave Cream: This stuff is the product I have always been looking for. My skin is most sensitive on my legs and the regular shave creams make my skin burn! This product works great with my sensitive skin and "A little goes a long way".
Lip Therapy: This was a bonus to me, I didn't think I'd care much for it because I have so many smashbox glosses and for balms I use Jack Black lip balms. So it came as a surprise to me that I love this stuff. Its texture is not a gloss, not a balm but something all its own. There is no flavor and the smell is light and pleasant.
I hope you found this review helpful! Thanks for reading!
The Body Wash: It is virtually smell free, great with sensitive skin and washes completely
without drying out my skin. I do have sensitive skin and for me this product is perfect.
The Body Moisturizer: This is a light yet moisturizing lotion. It goes on easily and works instantly. It doesn't leave a filmy feeling but does leave my skin soft.The Face Cleanser: It is also smell free and works well. It is one of those products that follows the rule "A little goes a long way." Yogi still uses this cleanser and loves it, I am trying out others to see which side of the fence is greener or in this case clearer.
The Daily Face Cream: This product I am in love with but I do question our future together for only one reason, it doesn't have an SPF in it. :(
I went back to repurchase in the full sizes and the Fab Favs caught my eye. It is $38.00 and all of the products are FULL SIZE!
The Ultra Repair Cream: This is the real deal for serious moisturizing. I use it after swimming as my skin really dries out afterwards. For my hubby It is great for his hands after work, My little sister has a touch of eczema and this clears it up nicely. I highly recommend this product.
Radiance Pads: Yogi works A Lot and Very Hard in a Dirty Job! These little pads are a god send for him. He gets off work and can grab one or two of these to get the guck off his face as soon as possible. For me my skin is a little too sensitive to rub with anything. He loves em though.
My Mumsie tried the Red Serum by FAB and it did have a noticeable difference in the redness to her cheeks but is in no way a miracle cure for redness.
So I went back to repurchase the Ultra Repair Cream as my whole family invades my stash! and I found this little kit! $18
I was so excited to find this because the Cleanser and Cream will last me at least 4 months and I have been dying to try their new shave cream.
Shave Cream: This stuff is the product I have always been looking for. My skin is most sensitive on my legs and the regular shave creams make my skin burn! This product works great with my sensitive skin and "A little goes a long way".
Lip Therapy: This was a bonus to me, I didn't think I'd care much for it because I have so many smashbox glosses and for balms I use Jack Black lip balms. So it came as a surprise to me that I love this stuff. Its texture is not a gloss, not a balm but something all its own. There is no flavor and the smell is light and pleasant.
I hope you found this review helpful! Thanks for reading!
Monday, March 26, 2012
My Winter at the Movies
Every so often I tend to be at the movies a lot. This has been the case this winter. I'm sure you have figured out by now that I am a somewhat opinionated person and also that i love to share. These are the flicks:
This Means War:
I give this movie 4 F's... Fabulous, Funny, Flirty and Fiesty The casting was great, Reese had so much chemistry with both Chris and Tom that I didn't know which way she would go with it. The action, comedy and romance levels were all pretty even with one another, they didn't over focus on any one aspect of the movie so it came off well balanced. I found this movie to be a breath of fresh air. TWO THUMBS UP
One For the Money
Another Boovie(book to movie) I was very disappointed in the casting of this film, I like all the actors chosen but none of them for the characters. I was disappointed in the attempt to modernize it. The book was released in the early 90's. I came into this movie expecting it to be the same. Instead it was set in modern day and just didn't come close to the level of humor and suspense that the book reaches. Boo! ONE THUMB DOWN
Safe House by Guest Blogger Yogi!
Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked
This movie was ok. Not the best of the series. My little brother loved it and thought it was funny. My younger sister thought it was good. I'd say it is good for 8 and under. ONE THUMB UP
Journey 2
Not often do you go to a sequel and think Wow that was better then the first one! This movie I thought exactly that. It was very good. The twists and turns were well thought out. I did not like the creepy "pop your pecks" thing, they took that too far. We watched this in 3D I personally hate 3D movies but the kids begged so I went with it. The 3D effects were a big hit with my siblings, I still hate 3D movies, but will buy the movie on dvd. TWO THUMBS UP
Hunger Games
Oh the Hunger Games. I have never had such mixed emotions about a Boovie before. They added in a lot of stuff that is not in the book at all. Normally this would make me want to walk out but instead I think in some ways it made it better. Unclear things were explained and I like that, although I do think it took away from the intensity of what Katniss went through. They cut out a few characters that are a part of the next book so it will be interesting to see how they recover from that. I do think they seriously missed the boat on one aspect. In the book you read how much Katniss is "faking" her romance with Peeta but in the movie they didn't really emphasize it so you feel like it is all real and steamy. The biggest complaint I have is the costume and makeup for the capitol people. I picture them very futuristically funky, bright crazy colors, and fresh looking. In the movie it is like a bad party in the 80's. Effie's makeup was the worst, they hyped it up so I was expecting it to look great but it came across like marie antoinette goes to the kentucky derby in 1985. Aside from the negatives I still give it TWO THUMBS UP because unlike twilight they had a great cast, there was no blue tint, and they didn't turn a great book into a joke.
Hunger Games
One For the Money
Safe House
Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked
Journey 2
andThis Means War:
I give this movie 4 F's... Fabulous, Funny, Flirty and Fiesty The casting was great, Reese had so much chemistry with both Chris and Tom that I didn't know which way she would go with it. The action, comedy and romance levels were all pretty even with one another, they didn't over focus on any one aspect of the movie so it came off well balanced. I found this movie to be a breath of fresh air. TWO THUMBS UP
One For the Money
Another Boovie(book to movie) I was very disappointed in the casting of this film, I like all the actors chosen but none of them for the characters. I was disappointed in the attempt to modernize it. The book was released in the early 90's. I came into this movie expecting it to be the same. Instead it was set in modern day and just didn't come close to the level of humor and suspense that the book reaches. Boo! ONE THUMB DOWN
Safe House by Guest Blogger Yogi!
Though I don't tend to get excited about movies these days for some reason
Safe house had me thinking it would be better then it was. I will say there was a lotof good action in this movie and they did an ok job at building the characters. But
like all action movies these days it is like watching one episode of 24, while there
is a lot of action and a rich plot, when it ends you are wondering what will happen
next. Not in a "I can't wait for the sequel" but in a " this movie is lacking a
finish that's appropriate for it's hype" I would say this is an ok movie but one
that you an wait till it's on Netflix. ONE THUMB UP
Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked
This movie was ok. Not the best of the series. My little brother loved it and thought it was funny. My younger sister thought it was good. I'd say it is good for 8 and under. ONE THUMB UP
Journey 2
Not often do you go to a sequel and think Wow that was better then the first one! This movie I thought exactly that. It was very good. The twists and turns were well thought out. I did not like the creepy "pop your pecks" thing, they took that too far. We watched this in 3D I personally hate 3D movies but the kids begged so I went with it. The 3D effects were a big hit with my siblings, I still hate 3D movies, but will buy the movie on dvd. TWO THUMBS UP
Hunger Games
Oh the Hunger Games. I have never had such mixed emotions about a Boovie before. They added in a lot of stuff that is not in the book at all. Normally this would make me want to walk out but instead I think in some ways it made it better. Unclear things were explained and I like that, although I do think it took away from the intensity of what Katniss went through. They cut out a few characters that are a part of the next book so it will be interesting to see how they recover from that. I do think they seriously missed the boat on one aspect. In the book you read how much Katniss is "faking" her romance with Peeta but in the movie they didn't really emphasize it so you feel like it is all real and steamy. The biggest complaint I have is the costume and makeup for the capitol people. I picture them very futuristically funky, bright crazy colors, and fresh looking. In the movie it is like a bad party in the 80's. Effie's makeup was the worst, they hyped it up so I was expecting it to look great but it came across like marie antoinette goes to the kentucky derby in 1985. Aside from the negatives I still give it TWO THUMBS UP because unlike twilight they had a great cast, there was no blue tint, and they didn't turn a great book into a joke.
Hunger Games,
Journey 2,
This Means War
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Product Review - Smashbox
I received the Smashbox Burlesque set over a year ago. I was very excited because I am a gloss junkie and also the set includes a full-size limitless liquid eyeliner. I had been wanting to try this product. You can no longer buy this set but the products are available individually at sephora or online. I can say genuinely that I love every product in this kit. I will review each in order of least loved to most.
The loose pink powder: It has a great color, goes on well and lasts. The only downside is that I am not big on loose powder.
The eyeshadow quad: This is a handy quad you can make a look with the colors in it or mix and match with others. The pigments are great and the case is not too bulky. No real downside but i do wish a few of the color were matte.
Limitless Eyeliner Pen: I wanted to do this review after such a long time because, haters of the brand say the eyeliner dries up quickly but i have found this to be untrue. This is a great way to apply liquid eyeliner, I was very inexperience with liquid eyeliner. I had tried it once before and came out of the bathroom looking like a raccoon, not a pretty sight. This has a felt tip so it like putting eyeliner on with a marker which was way more my speed as I was that girl in High school that drew on her shoes and doodled on her hands, in fact I use this product to draw temp tattoos, for halloween. I have had it forever and it still works. It has major staying power and the pigment is true to its name Jet Black. I will be buying this again.
Lip duo: I would have put the eyeliner last but as I fore mentioned I am a lip gloss junkie and this duo is top shelf! The colors are perfect with my skin tone. The you can mix them or do each individual either way it looks foxy! The texture of smash box glosses rock and the wear time is considerably longer then other glosses I have tried. I am so excited because they are now making this duo available individually. :) I will be ordering this once my 13 other smash box glosses are gone.
Well thats it for now, I hope this review was helpful. I know a lot of people are obsessed with make up for ever but I wanted to shine some light on Smashbox because they make some great products.
The loose pink powder: It has a great color, goes on well and lasts. The only downside is that I am not big on loose powder.
The eyeshadow quad: This is a handy quad you can make a look with the colors in it or mix and match with others. The pigments are great and the case is not too bulky. No real downside but i do wish a few of the color were matte.
Limitless Eyeliner Pen: I wanted to do this review after such a long time because, haters of the brand say the eyeliner dries up quickly but i have found this to be untrue. This is a great way to apply liquid eyeliner, I was very inexperience with liquid eyeliner. I had tried it once before and came out of the bathroom looking like a raccoon, not a pretty sight. This has a felt tip so it like putting eyeliner on with a marker which was way more my speed as I was that girl in High school that drew on her shoes and doodled on her hands, in fact I use this product to draw temp tattoos, for halloween. I have had it forever and it still works. It has major staying power and the pigment is true to its name Jet Black. I will be buying this again.
Lip duo: I would have put the eyeliner last but as I fore mentioned I am a lip gloss junkie and this duo is top shelf! The colors are perfect with my skin tone. The you can mix them or do each individual either way it looks foxy! The texture of smash box glosses rock and the wear time is considerably longer then other glosses I have tried. I am so excited because they are now making this duo available individually. :) I will be ordering this once my 13 other smash box glosses are gone.
Well thats it for now, I hope this review was helpful. I know a lot of people are obsessed with make up for ever but I wanted to shine some light on Smashbox because they make some great products.
lip gloss,
liquid eyeliner,
product review,
Saturday, March 17, 2012
The Truth About Bulldogs Is
I have thought about writing this blog often but have never done it. Today I was watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and I realized I needed to do it. I am the mother to one Frank The Tank Gore He is an almost 4 y/o "english" Bulldog. He is very adorable, I mean really cute! I might post some pics. Anyhow owning a bulldog is a very adventurous undertaking. It is true they do love attention, they will watch TV with you and want to be around you ALL the time.
When I was looking into dog breeds My Rottie was getting up there in age and her health was fading fast. Arthritis, hip dysplasia, smoked lungs, tumors, etc. I knew she wouldn't be with me forever and I also knew that I would not be ready to love again for a really long time after she went to Heaven, Hey all dogs do! I was very right she has been gone almost 3 years now and I miss her more then words. One day I will write her a blog that is fit for how amazing she was and what an impression she left on so many people. This blog is for the bulldog though. I was newly disabled and couldn't do much physically so I wanted a "lazy" dog. All you hear is how lazy bulldogs are. They are not LAZY!!! My dog is so hyper!!! Always running and jumping. People will sometimes admit this but add that it is only for the first few years...uh yea that is because you feed your dog way too much junk and they are now morbidly obese and therefore in pain so they lay around all day. If you keep your bulldog at a healthy weight this does not happen. Bulldogs are not supposed to be fat, it is actually really bad for them.
When people speak about the negatives of bulldogs they say that they fart, snore, and burp a lot. You hear about the possible health problems that result in large vet bills. Then somewhere in a sweet way they throw in stubborn like it is a positive almost. I knew we could handle the vet bills if our bully happened to be struck with the bad luck of being a mutant breed gone bad. He was! Frank has had 4 surgeries and will have more in his life, his poor legs are riddled with scars and his vet knows him and myself by our nicknames. The bill passed 6k before his third birthday. His breeder went on and on about his father's wonderful blood line and she was right he does have a good strong line on his fathers side but she couldn't have cared less that her bitch(hey that is the proper term) was the reason for his genetic issues. Though he came with a health guarantee she did not back it up and told us to take her to court or get over it. Instead of spending more money on her we put our mulah into our vet's hand. So yes if you are wanting a bully make sure you have a Vet fund of at least 4k in the bank.
The things you don't hear or at least I didn't was the REAL negatives of owning a bulldog. I'm sorry to all of you out there that don't want the light of truth shone down on this breed that you charge 3 grand a puppy for but the people deserve the truth. This blog is not the only place you can find this info, it is out there is you look for it. The lightest of them is they eat everything!!!! They will eat underwear, baby wipes(clean or dirty), plastic bags, ink pens, rocks, sticks, ornaments, really anything they can physically fit down their gullets. The best part about this(sarcasm) is that they will puke it up several hours later and you get to play "guess the half digested item". If they don't puke it up then you get to play "pull the 3/4 digested item out of frank's butt before he jumps on the couch!" Now the smell of the gas that you get to endure throughout this process is just delightful!
Bulldogs are stubborn and not "Oh how cute he refuses to go into his crate cause he wants to stay with us!" No, they are stubborn about everything and will not ever look at you as though you are above or in control of them EVER! They are in control of themselves and what they will or won't do. They have an Alpha male complex to the point of ridiculous. They learn who they can get away with bullying and who they can't but don't ever expect them to back down to you completely. The problem comes into play when they decide they are above someone for example my little brother. He is 8 years old and Frank thinks he must be higher in the pack then him... Which bring me in to my most worrisome negative about bulldogs.
Bulldogs are aggressive. With a teacup pom-chi this might not be a problem and may even be cute to a point. With a 55-60 pound bulldog with a jaw built for taking down full size bulls this is not cute! Frank is built like a brick shit house and knows he is tougher then nails. He was attacked by a full grown pit bull in his first year of life and took him on face first with no fear. That dog had his jaw locked on Frank's lower jaw piercing all the way through. Frank didn't yipe, jump or try to run out of its grip, he stood tough and chomped down on that Pit's nose until Frank's Daddy came to his rescue. We rushed him the vet and he had a drain and stitches put in but after that day we saw a new side to him, we blamed this traumatic event. However in talking to other bully owners(once you are in the circle, you find out the real deal) it was natural for bullies to become aggressive. I have heard different ages usually between 2-3 years of age. Maybe the pit made Frank grow up too early.
The issue is that Frank's stubbornness, strength and aggressiveness have led to him appointing himself as the Alpha over children and some adults. Towards me he will growl if I try to discipline him or hurry him in or out of the door, mostly though he knows not to mess with Mommy and Daddy! Anyone else though he will be aggressive with. If they have food that he wants, he will just take it. If they are in his spot he will attempt to move them. He will come at people and scare the crap out of them and even bite at them. I don't fully trust that one day he won't hurt some one. I will say he is very protective of me and that does bring me some comfort when I am traveling with him.
I have seen an episode of dog whisperer that showcases an aggressive bulldog and on the third Harry Potter movie you can also see the true aggressive nature of a bulldog. This is a real issue that the breed has. I feel it is covered up often. Please remember that these dogs were custom bred to be low to the ground, wide and have strong jaws. Their purpose was to take down and kill a full grown bull. They are not lazy, farting, sweet hearts all the time. If you are wanting one I would suggest you really investigate not only the breed but your life, bulldogs are not the type to be left home all the time. They want to go out into the world, Frank is happiest when we are traveling and the more days he is confined to the house the more his aggression shows. They are very expensive and many bullies end up in shelters because people simply cannot afford the bills. If you want a no muss, no fuss kind of dog then don't get a bully. If you are the type who can take your bully everywhere you go then it might be a good fit for you :)
I do love my frankalin the tankalin but he is a handful and I have had to learn how to best work with his natural behaviors.
english bulldog,
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Racist Rants (links at the end)
This is wrong on SO many levels and not just the two girls who started it all.
First to the girls video: If they wanted to make their points they went about it all wrong... this not a mature nor intelligent way to speak about the issues you have with your community. It is an issue you have with a group of people in your community not all people of poverty act like you describe. I do like that you are willing to speak about issues that concern you but I hope that you find more appropriate was of debating your position. Also it may annoy you that the people you are talking about use the system, irresponsibly spend or even the way they talk but I promise you that there are things you do that annoy others too(i.e making a rant video and actually posting it) In the future before you post ANYTHING you should have a responsible adult watch or read it and say it is ok.
Second to the commenters: I can not believe that you people are freaking out on 14 y/o girls, how are you and different then them. I wonder where they learned to react negatively??? People like you. Seriously who tells a child to go kill themselves!? That is just wrong, you are an adult act like it! Cyber bullying is a serious issue and you my friend are a cyber bully. They are wrong, no one is debating that but adults should be educating these girls and teaching them a positive way of using their voice. I understand why everyone is freaking out that they use the N word but NO ONE is freaking out on the jackasses attacking the spanish race? Is it only racist if it is towards the black race? No! There is no such thing as reverse racism...Racism applies to ANY race being attacked by ANY race.
To the people posting RE to: The real problem here is that people are still separating us by race, it is not just applications and surveys. It is the people of this country from every race doing it. One video in particular stood out to me. She was clearly angry and I get that but she is just as racist as the girls in the video except she is an adult. She refers to "white" people as "clear" people. She calls them "becky sue or billy ray or whatever your name is". Says she isn't gonna upload a video ranting about "clear people", yet that is exactly what she is doing. Her claims are that "clear people" eat off the floor, eat boogers and share straws with strangers. That is all ridiculous and far from accurate. The 14 y/o girls girls were at least presenting real issues in American society. It makes me sad that there are people who really feel like I could never understand them because of something so stupid as skin color, You are a human and so em I.
In short when I am asked to mark my race I select the "other" box and write in American. I do this because I am not White, Black, Asian or Mexican, I am American and so are all of you that were born in this country or came here legally to make a life for yourself. When someone asks me what nationality I am, my reply is American. If everyone stopped putting THEMSELVES and others into categories and instead put us all into one... AMERICAN then this country would not have racism anymore....So I purpose that we all from now on check the "other" box and write in American. I say we do away with races entirely and just be united.
First to the girls video: If they wanted to make their points they went about it all wrong... this not a mature nor intelligent way to speak about the issues you have with your community. It is an issue you have with a group of people in your community not all people of poverty act like you describe. I do like that you are willing to speak about issues that concern you but I hope that you find more appropriate was of debating your position. Also it may annoy you that the people you are talking about use the system, irresponsibly spend or even the way they talk but I promise you that there are things you do that annoy others too(i.e making a rant video and actually posting it) In the future before you post ANYTHING you should have a responsible adult watch or read it and say it is ok.
Second to the commenters: I can not believe that you people are freaking out on 14 y/o girls, how are you and different then them. I wonder where they learned to react negatively??? People like you. Seriously who tells a child to go kill themselves!? That is just wrong, you are an adult act like it! Cyber bullying is a serious issue and you my friend are a cyber bully. They are wrong, no one is debating that but adults should be educating these girls and teaching them a positive way of using their voice. I understand why everyone is freaking out that they use the N word but NO ONE is freaking out on the jackasses attacking the spanish race? Is it only racist if it is towards the black race? No! There is no such thing as reverse racism...Racism applies to ANY race being attacked by ANY race.
To the people posting RE to: The real problem here is that people are still separating us by race, it is not just applications and surveys. It is the people of this country from every race doing it. One video in particular stood out to me. She was clearly angry and I get that but she is just as racist as the girls in the video except she is an adult. She refers to "white" people as "clear" people. She calls them "becky sue or billy ray or whatever your name is". Says she isn't gonna upload a video ranting about "clear people", yet that is exactly what she is doing. Her claims are that "clear people" eat off the floor, eat boogers and share straws with strangers. That is all ridiculous and far from accurate. The 14 y/o girls girls were at least presenting real issues in American society. It makes me sad that there are people who really feel like I could never understand them because of something so stupid as skin color, You are a human and so em I.
In short when I am asked to mark my race I select the "other" box and write in American. I do this because I am not White, Black, Asian or Mexican, I am American and so are all of you that were born in this country or came here legally to make a life for yourself. When someone asks me what nationality I am, my reply is American. If everyone stopped putting THEMSELVES and others into categories and instead put us all into one... AMERICAN then this country would not have racism anymore....So I purpose that we all from now on check the "other" box and write in American. I say we do away with races entirely and just be united.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Wow this year has been crazy. It started off with a bang. When you watch somebody you love make the biggest mistake of their life(for a second time) and drag two babies down with em'... it sucks. When you trust and support someone through thick and thin only to have them stab you in the back, smack you in the face and then run away laughing... it blows. When you lose people to PURE EVIL... it bites. At first you are angry, then in denial and then you get over all of that and start reflecting. That is where a sucky situation becomes a priceless learning experience. That is when you have to examine your options and pick one. I am currently in that phase...
I want to say that just because you have kids does not mean that you deserve them.
I want to say that just because you have kids does not mean that you deserve them.
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