
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Racist Rants (links at the end)

This is wrong on SO many levels and not just the two girls who started it all.
      First to the girls video: If they wanted to make their points they went about it all wrong... this not a mature nor intelligent way to speak about the issues you have with your community. It is an issue you have with a group of people in your community not all people of poverty act like you describe. I do like that you are willing to speak about issues that concern you but I hope that you find more appropriate was of debating your position. Also it may annoy you that the people you are talking about use the system, irresponsibly spend or even the way they talk but I promise you that there are things you do that annoy others too(i.e making a rant video and actually posting it) In the future before you post ANYTHING you should have a responsible adult watch or read it and say it is ok.
       Second to the commenters: I can not believe that you people are freaking out on 14 y/o girls, how are you and different then them. I wonder where they learned to react negatively??? People like you. Seriously who tells a child to go kill themselves!? That is just wrong, you are an adult act like it! Cyber bullying is a serious issue and you my friend are a cyber bully. They are wrong, no one is debating that but adults should be educating these girls and teaching them a positive way of using their voice. I understand why everyone is freaking out that they use the N word but NO ONE is freaking out on the jackasses attacking the spanish race? Is it only racist if it is towards the black race? No! There is no such thing as reverse racism...Racism applies to ANY race being attacked by ANY race.
      To the people posting RE to: The real problem here is that people are still separating us by race, it is not just applications and surveys. It is the people of this country from every race doing it. One video in particular stood out to me. She was clearly angry and I get that but she is just as racist as the girls in the video except she is an adult. She refers to "white" people as "clear" people. She calls them "becky sue or billy ray or whatever your name is". Says she isn't gonna upload a video ranting about "clear people", yet that is exactly what she is doing. Her claims are that "clear people" eat off the floor, eat boogers and share straws with strangers. That is all ridiculous and far from accurate. The 14 y/o girls girls were at least presenting real issues in American society. It makes me sad that there are people who really feel like I could never understand them because of something so stupid as skin color,  You are a human and so em I.

In short when I am asked to mark my race I select the "other" box and write in American. I do this because I am not White, Black, Asian or Mexican, I am American and so are all of you that were born in this country or came here legally to make a life for yourself. When someone asks me what nationality I am, my reply is American. If everyone stopped putting THEMSELVES and others into categories and instead put us all into one... AMERICAN then this country would not have racism anymore....So I purpose that we all from now on check the "other" box and write in American. I say we do away with races entirely and just be united.

1 comment:

  1. You make some good points. I wish the whole subject of racism was over already but everyone is so negative, they want something to be upset about. I think it starts at home but is cemented in the schools.
