What's New
I have not blogged this month because I have been super duper busy. It is the end of the school year which means a ton of field trips, bbqs, awards and concerts. I won two baskets at the sports fundraiser auction and I am thrilled by both! I might even blog about them. Took a trip to Sequim, also a joy! Headed over to Manestage with the family for a showing of You Can't Take It With You! I was the stand in Dj at the family dance and just returned from a short stint at great wolf lodge which should be renamed great expense lodge but what can ya do!
My 2 acres of land has been growing like crazy! My trusty riding mower(it is so old!) and I have been waging war against it, some battles we have won others we have lost....our latest casualty was PFC weed wacker, you were a noble soldier and will be missed. Rest peacefully with your fallen comrades LCP gardening shears(took on a branch and lost), General old rake(decapitated it wasn't pretty) and the volleyball(an innocent bystander). I am considering bringing in reinforcements in the way of goats.
Also I went to Hawaii where Yogi and I zip lined, parasailed, snorkeled, ate a lot of food, shopped for deals in the international market place and I feel like I'm forgetting something.....Oh Yea! We got Married! We enjoyed one week of marital bliss before Yogi headed back to the rolling fields of oil.
It is summer time now, perhaps not actually, nor could you tell by the weather but in terms of TV it is summer. All of my shows are done till fall so.... I should have more time to crank out some blogs, tweets, and write my books, Yes I'm writing two series at once now.. See I told you there is a lot going on! This is all assuming I am able to resist the intense and ever-growing pull to join pintrest, if I do I fear that I will never accomplish anything.
Tonight I am under the influence of a heavy dosing of allergy medication and eating chocolate while finishing my Johnny Depp birthday marathon....Watched: Dead Man, Rum Diary, Astronaut's Wife, Cry Baby and now Edward Scissorhands!
Until later Readers ;)
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