This blog isn’t about who is more qualified or who you/I should vote for. I would like to ask a favor of my readers. This year before you vote think about it...who does your vote effect? Who does it effect the most? The truth is your vote effects you and your immediate family of course but it also effects your neighbors, co-workers, extended family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. Your vote effects the daily lives of every American, even me. There is one group of Americans that your vote effects possibly more then any other group. The “middle class” is an often overlooked group of people but to tell you the truth they are the ones carry the weight of the free world. What is the “middle class” you ask, anyone earning 40k to 120k. This is a large gap which leads most people to write off the middle class as rich people who make over 100k and “shouldn't be whining” but that is not the case.
I want to tell you about a man in the middle class. The vote you cast will effect him greatly. In the last year he has averaged 93 hours per week. He has been home for a total of 40 days out of 365. He wants to take his wife to Switzerland. So he works long hard days in -20 degrees, in over 100 degrees, in rain, in sleet, in snow, in drought he works for her. To make sure she has what she needs back home, to save for their future and to make it to Switzerland. Every check he cashes is 1/3 less then he earned. That is how much is taken from him. Over the last year they have run across several situations. A friend was in need of help and they gave it. Their dog was in need of care and got it. A family member was in a very sticky predicament and they drained their wedding account to help him. A boy was in the mall with his mom at a shoe store eyeing a pair of shoes, his were old and the soles falling off. His mother said she couldn’t afford new shoes. He pleaded with her “Please mom I start school next week!” She said “I’m sorry but I can’t. The man grabbed the salesman and asked him to ring up the shoes for the boy. When a friend is in need he has helped, when family was down he has helped, when his own is in need he provides and when a stranger can not afford shoes for her son he helps and does so without judgement. Simply because that is the right thing to do but at the end of the year he looks at his savings and there is nothing left for Switzerland though he has worked so hard for it. When he looks at the taxes paid column of his stub he sees enough for two trips. We know where his portion went but where did this third of his hard work go? To Medicare....for people to pay for drugs they do not need but take daily anyways? To a woman on welfare who purchased nipple piercing with her TANF. For food stamps to go to the physically able 19 year old with brand news “tats” who refuses a job because it entails working on the weekend? To feed and cloth murders and drug dealers in prison? Or did it buy another vacation for a family of politicians?
Politicians may babble on about “fair share” but the middle class is paying way way more then their “fair share” while others the rich and the poor are not. This country would crumble in weeks if not days were the middle class to throw their hands up, quit and head down to the welfare line. If you are on any kind of assistance that money is not coming from the government; it is coming from the owner of your favorite bakery, the dental assistant that cleans your teeth and the man I told you about in this blog. So please don’t only vote for yourself this year vote for all those people that are working hard everyday, sacrificing and being taken from to fund who knows what. Vote with the best interest of your country and it’s people in mind.
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