"Evil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing"
>> and now the President wants to honor her ...
>> In Memory of
LT. C.Thomsen Wieland
who spent 100 days at the Hanoi Hilton
>> This is for all the kids born in the 70's who do
>> not remember, and didn't have to bear the
>> burden that our fathers, mothers and older
>> brothers and sisters had to bear.
>> Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the
>> '100 Women of the Century.'
>> Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still
>> countless others have never known how Ms.
>> Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country,
>> but specific men who served and sacrificed
>> during Vietnam
>> The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot.
>> The pilot's name is Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat.
>> In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF
>> Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison
>> the ' Hanoi Hilton.'
>> Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell,
>> cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJ's, he was
>> ordered to describe for a visiting American
>> 'Peace Activist' the 'lenient and humane
>> treatment' he'd received.
>> He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and was
>> dragged away.
>> During the subsequent beating, he fell forward
>> on to the camp Commandant 's feet, which
>> sent that officer berserk.
>> In 1978, the Air Force Colonel still suffered from
>> double vision (which permanently ended his
>> flying career) from the Commandant's frenzied
>> application of a wooden baton.
>> From 1963-65, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the
>> 47FW/DO (F-4E's). He spent 6 years in the
>> 'Hanoi Hilton',,, the first three of which his
>> family only knew he was 'missing in action'.
>> His wife lived on faith that he was still alive.
>> His group, too, got the cleaned-up, fed and
>> clothed routine in preparation for a
>> 'peace delegation' visit..
>> They, however, had time and devised a plan to
>> get word to the world that they were alive
>> an d still survived. Each man secreted a tiny
>> piece of paper, with his Social Security Number
>> on it , in the palm of his hand.
>> When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a
>> cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each
>> man's hand and asking little encouraging
>> snippets like: 'Aren't you sorry you bombed
>> babies?' and 'Are you grateful for the humane
>> treatment from your benevolent captors?'
>> Believing this HAD to be an act, they each
>> palmed her their sliver of paper.
>> She took them all without missing a beat.. At the
>> end of the line and once the camera stopped
>> rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs,
>> she turned to the officer in charge and handed
>> him all the little pieces of paper.
>> Three men died from the subsequent beatings.
>> Colonel Carrigan was almost number four
>> but he survived, which is the only reason we
>> know of her actions that day.
>> I was a civilian economic development advisor
>> in Vietnam , and was captured by the North
>> Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in
>> 1968, and held prisoner for over 5 years.
>> I spent 27 months in solitary confinement; one
>> year in a cage in Cambodia ; and one year
>> in a 'black box' in Hanoi
>> My North Vietnamese captors deliberately
>> poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a
>> nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me Thuot, South
>> Vietnam , whom I buried in the jungle near the
>> Cambodian border.
>> At one time, I weighed only about 90 lbs.
>> (My normal weight is 170 lbs)
>> We were Jane Fonda's 'war criminals..'
>> When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi , I was asked by
>> the camp communist political officer if I would
>> be willing to meet with her...
>> I said yes, for I wanted to tell her about the real
>> treatment we POWs received... and how
>> different it was from the treatment purported by
>> the North Vietnamese, and parroted by her as
>> 'humane and lenient.'
>> Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky
>> floor on my knees, with my arms outstretched
>> with a large steel weights placed on my hands,
>> and beaten with a bamboo cane.
>> I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda
>> soon after I was released. I asked her
>> if she would be willing to debate me on TV..
>> She never did answer me.
>> These first-hand experiences do not exemplify
>> someone who should be honored as part
>> of '100 Years of Great Women.'
>> Lest we forget...' 100 Years of Great Women'
>> should never include a traitor whose hands are
>> covered with the blood of so many patriots.
>> There are few things I have strong visceral
>> reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's participation in
>> blatant treason, is one of them.
>> Please take the time to forward to as many
>> people as you possibly can.
>> It will eventually end up on her computer and
>> she needs to know that we will never forget.
716 Maintenance Squadron, Chief of
DSN: 875-6431
COMM: 883-6343
The Blog That Drips With Sarcasm and Honesty. A random blog that will range in topics as life's twists and turns take me where they may... saddle up and enjoy the ride :)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
My Summer at the Movies...
This the summer of 2010 I have found myself at the movies on a pretty regular basis. Cost aside I LOVE going to the movies. So far I have seen...The A Team, Toy Story 3, The Prince of Persia, Eclipse and Despicable Me. As I will undoubtably be dragged to Cats and Dogs 2, Machete, Alpha n Omega as well as Easy A before summers end, I have decided to go all Siskel on you and review the films. The ratings will go as follows. 2 THUMBS UP, 1THUMB UP, 1 THUMB DOWN, 2 THUMBS DOWN.
The A-Team-
This is a movie based on the popular TV show of the same name. I myself was not a huge follower of the show for one reason. Mr. T. There was something about the combination of his jewelry and high water overalls that had me thinking “I Pity the Fool.” Yogi however didn’t miss an episode. When he saw the trailer he said. “Hmph this won’t be good, they will ruin it. We have to go see it.” I was not super stoked about the idea as I am not a part of the “OMG IT’S BRADLEY COOPER!” movement. That being said we went, we watched, we were amazed. They did a really good job on this film. I didnt attach much to Jessica Biels character but the new B.A. Was way way better then the OG. Yogi’s only complaint was that Hannibal was not quite right, too serious and not a mention of his elaborate disguises. Seeing This film has sparked a month full of nights netflixing old A Team Episodes. I give this film TWO THUMBS UP!
Toy Story 3-
When I was young and making my c.d. and bubblegum money from babysitting I often watched an adorable toddler named Samantha. Sammy loved to watch Toy Story... Over and Over and Over and Over again. “Can you rewind it?” she would ask and I would say, “How bout something else for a change?” She would think hard on the issue and then say “Ok how about teletubbies”, to which I would reply “Toy Story it is!” Years into the future My little brova is a Toy Story Maniac! Toy Story 1, Toy Story 2 he loves um. The kid even has Woody and Buzz, which he wrote in big black letters on the bottom of their feet..ALEX. I will say I have a place in my heart for Toy Story. I was ill prepared for Toy Story 3. I did not bring tissues and yes, we all cried. For the record, Yogi denies an involvement in said water works. TWO THUMBS UP!
Prince of Persia-
Nizzle Nazzle wanted to see this movie sooo bad that she came to me with her penny bank asking if the 3 cents within was enough for the tickets. “Sadly,” I told her “no it was not going to cut it. Alas, My dear, the cinema has hit $10 a ticket!” (:0!!! Cue the Cries and Outrage) She came back just moments later with $20 bucks in hand and a victorious smile across her face. No one and I mean no one wanting to go with us. Which suited us fine, sister time is always welcomed. Everyone missed out! This movie was fun, romantic, action packed, had some good twists and dared to end in a fashion befitting of the story line, which you don’t often find these days. TWO THUMBS UP!
Another movie that My Darling Sister HAD to see. I am a reader of the series and think they would have made amazing movies had summit not sunk their teeth into it. Oh WB why oh why did you not swoop up the rights!? This review will encompass my feelings on each of the films. I have seen Twilight and was disgusted at how terrible it was, The cast is atrocious, The blue tint is insulting to the NW and the story is almost nothing like the book. When they threw Hardwicke out on her ass I decided to give New Moon a chance, It was better then the first but not by much. The cast seems to get less and less acting abilities in each film.The way they have almost completely eliminated key characters leaves the movies with no substance. It is basically the boy named kristin squaking, then cut to sharkboy’s chest, then cut to rob’s chest(eww) then back to sharkboy. Film one they never even said I Love You and I don’t remember them saying it much in the other two either! The real problem is the cast there is only three people in any of the films that are good. Charlie Swan aka Billy Burke is amazing and fits the part to a T. Gill Birmingham plays Billy Black and does a fabulous job. Also Rachelle Lafevre who was Victoria in the first two films did a great job which surprised me, but they canned her and hired a very awkward and unscary girl named Bryce.... Alice and Emmett would be good if they gave them a part! If you are 8-13 years of age this movie is great for you. SIX THUMBS DOWN (two for each crackpot movie so far.)
Despicable Me-
This is a good, funny and appropriate movie for all ages. Not the greatest cartoon ever but certainly one I would watch again. ONE and a 1/2 THUMBS UP!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Password Change
If you need the password to our photo album please email, text or call us and we will give it to u. If you dont have our email or phone number then too bad :P
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Goodness My Oh! (yes that's right OMG backwards...im sick of omg so im working this new angle)
Today I contacted an "old friend" just to be met with immature anger. It annoyed and hurt me that she would react this way. I guess I don't hold on to old drama like others do. I first attempted to ease the situation by talking it out but some people cannot be reasoned with. She attacked and I let my anger get the best of me. I stoop to her level and attacked back instantly. I feel bad for not taking the high road. I should have let myself cool down and just never said another word.
Sometimes a person has had enough and has to GRRR. Today was that day for me. It has been mounting all week. From the dr. who pissed me off with her ignorance to the "old friend" who is being dramatic. I have just had enough. Did I handle it wrong? Yes. But just this once I'm going to not beat myself up for it. I'm going to blog it out and move on. Never to think of her again.
I have so many amazing things in my life right now, love, happiness, family and the greatest friends a girl can have. The future gets brighter everyday and that is something to be positive about. Yogi said it best, "When people feel bad about themselves they hate on those who are doing good. You just have to leave a hopeless case alone. They are the only ones who can save themselves, they just don't want to."
I would be lost without you my love. Still it made me realize how unrealistic and disconnected the internet is. It is not real life. People do not behave the way they do online. It is much like being drunk they will say things in text from miles away that they would not say in person. The internet can either bring out the best in a person or the worst and in most cases it seems to bring out the worst.
Here is me letting it go and saying goodbye to hopeless cases.
Today I contacted an "old friend" just to be met with immature anger. It annoyed and hurt me that she would react this way. I guess I don't hold on to old drama like others do. I first attempted to ease the situation by talking it out but some people cannot be reasoned with. She attacked and I let my anger get the best of me. I stoop to her level and attacked back instantly. I feel bad for not taking the high road. I should have let myself cool down and just never said another word.
Sometimes a person has had enough and has to GRRR. Today was that day for me. It has been mounting all week. From the dr. who pissed me off with her ignorance to the "old friend" who is being dramatic. I have just had enough. Did I handle it wrong? Yes. But just this once I'm going to not beat myself up for it. I'm going to blog it out and move on. Never to think of her again.
I have so many amazing things in my life right now, love, happiness, family and the greatest friends a girl can have. The future gets brighter everyday and that is something to be positive about. Yogi said it best, "When people feel bad about themselves they hate on those who are doing good. You just have to leave a hopeless case alone. They are the only ones who can save themselves, they just don't want to."
I would be lost without you my love. Still it made me realize how unrealistic and disconnected the internet is. It is not real life. People do not behave the way they do online. It is much like being drunk they will say things in text from miles away that they would not say in person. The internet can either bring out the best in a person or the worst and in most cases it seems to bring out the worst.
Here is me letting it go and saying goodbye to hopeless cases.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Boot Fever...I've got it Bad
One perk to Northwest living is the cooler summers. Over 100 degree days simply do not happen in my neck of the woods. Therefore I can wear my boots wheneva!
So here is my top 3 leather boots! (Mind you I am in search of the info for another pair that I only have pics of. I may have a different top 3 after hunting down my latest prey) Hope you Enjoy!

#1 Western Flare! Brand: Frye Boots Name: Veronica Slouch
Slow country night meets urban sophistication.

#2 The Biker Chick! Brand: Fiorentini and Baker Name: Eternity www.fiorentini-baker.com
Edward Scissor Hands Meets Harley Davidson.

#3 OddBall Chic!
Brand: All Saints
Name: Damisi
Laces meets strap meets buckles! Nuf Said.
Got some leather boots that dance like sugar plums in your head while you snooze? Comment the info and share em! :)
Love Peace and Chicken grease =)
So here is my top 3 leather boots! (Mind you I am in search of the info for another pair that I only have pics of. I may have a different top 3 after hunting down my latest prey) Hope you Enjoy!

#1 Western Flare! Brand: Frye Boots Name: Veronica Slouch
Slow country night meets urban sophistication.

#2 The Biker Chick! Brand: Fiorentini and Baker Name: Eternity www.fiorentini-baker.com
Edward Scissor Hands Meets Harley Davidson.

#3 OddBall Chic!
Brand: All Saints
Name: Damisi
Laces meets strap meets buckles! Nuf Said.
Got some leather boots that dance like sugar plums in your head while you snooze? Comment the info and share em! :)
Love Peace and Chicken grease =)
All Saints,
Fiorentini and Baker,
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Jordan's Blog
I was with my grandma and grandpa in Tacoma and we went to North West Trek or (NWT) and we saw mountain goats, buffalos,moose caribou, elk and other animals.I thought there were going to be elk that bit me. There was a lot of little babies crying and i miss them and i had a great time when we went to NWT both times i had a fun time.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Can't Be Tamed??
Miley Cyrus has a new music video. I'm not sure what this girl is doing. Trying to copy Lady GaGa(I woud not advise that) This video is dancing on the line of inappropriate it is like she is going to make out with her dancer but doesn’t so that makes it ok? Um no they are still grinding on you. I think she isn't understanding clearly that her fans are children. I highly doubt that a person over 14 has bought her stuff unless it is for a child they know. I personally will not let my little sister see this video. Miley should look at Hilary Duff. She thought she was too cool for disney and its “money spending tweens” so she “broke free” and no one has heard from her since. With Disney goes the fans, money and fame.
Photo Courtesy of huffingtonpost.com/
Friday, April 30, 2010
47 Years of Marriage and Still Smiling
All heavy posts aside I have to write about this woman that Yogi and I met in a local coffee shop.
Barister: Who is that?
Woman: It's your girlfriend! hehe
Barister: Why Hello Dear, will it be the usual?
Woman: Yes Phil. (woman looks to me) I'm not really his girlfriend, I'm married have been for 47 years. Oh my lord has it been that long? I dont even feel 47!
That is how it began. While we waited for our coffee(italian soda for me) she told us all about the goods and bads of marriage. She gave us priceless advice on how to keep it strong and happy. This woman is my hero. 47 years with the same man and she had a huge smile on her face when talking about him. So often these days marriage ends in divorce or a life of unhappiness. It was truly an inspiring conversation. I wish that every couple to be married could have a mentoring chat too. It was all of five minutes but it restored my faith in what marriage can be. So many people get married knowing that they are not in love or even happy with the person...we call this settling.
Don't settle people....you can find someone who will make you smile 47 years later AND the person you are settling for deserves to find that too.
Heres to Love and Happiness!!
Barister: Who is that?
Woman: It's your girlfriend! hehe
Barister: Why Hello Dear, will it be the usual?
Woman: Yes Phil. (woman looks to me) I'm not really his girlfriend, I'm married have been for 47 years. Oh my lord has it been that long? I dont even feel 47!
That is how it began. While we waited for our coffee(italian soda for me) she told us all about the goods and bads of marriage. She gave us priceless advice on how to keep it strong and happy. This woman is my hero. 47 years with the same man and she had a huge smile on her face when talking about him. So often these days marriage ends in divorce or a life of unhappiness. It was truly an inspiring conversation. I wish that every couple to be married could have a mentoring chat too. It was all of five minutes but it restored my faith in what marriage can be. So many people get married knowing that they are not in love or even happy with the person...we call this settling.
Don't settle people....you can find someone who will make you smile 47 years later AND the person you are settling for deserves to find that too.
Heres to Love and Happiness!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Innocence Lost
Last Night I had a dream. It was actually a memory from my childhood. I was in my bedroom with my two best-friends. We had eaten an entire package each of the most amazing jerky I had ever tasted in my life. Hyper was a very mild way of putting what we were. After what seemed like hours of laughter, I pretended to fall asleep. When I was convinced that they were sure I was asleep I sat up, eyes closed and began talking in a fake accent. I was pretending to talk in my sleep. They immediately began to laugh. I grabbed up my best friend who had been sitting next to me and began to “make sushi”. I was smoothing the rice, stuffing the insides and then rolling her up. All the while they laughed hysterically and debated on wether to wake me up. They decided against it. I continued on in my accent cutting the sushi rolls and giving them to the studio audience. When I had no more fresh material, I laid down and they shook me “awake”. My story was sleep talking and I stuck to it. “you guys are making it up!” I said and they rolled in laughter and my "not knowing".
Waking up from that dream filled my mind with thoughts of us. One of those best friends suffered a terrible loss a few weeks later and as quickly as she joined our circle was gone. She found new friends quickly and couldn’t handle looking back at us and being reminded of her past. The other I had known since I was in diapers, she began my enemy then turned best friend. She was always there, she always would be...or so I thought. She was a great best friend, kind, giving and smart. We had similar goals: college, career, success and happiness.
We were innocent, young and happy, free of societal pressures. It didn’t matter what we did for a living, what out major was or how much we made a year. That was all N/A to us. Perhaps that is when a person loses their innocence when they enter the adult world, when those pressures are applicable. The trouble for us came when I moved out of state. When we were no longer neighbors.
I had moved far away and she stayed behind. In the same small town that she was born. That her mother was born. It was always her dream to move. “I will get out of this town. As soon as I am 18 we are going on a road trip across the country! I will pick the best spot and I’ll stay there.” she would say. She never took that road trip. She never left that town.
Once I was gone she turned a leaf. She started smoking and drinking. Craving male attention and even trying drugs. She led herself into a life that was wild and unhealthy. STD’s and marijuana were words often used in her vocabulary. She became a mother young and as I hear her parents are raising him. Her ideas of right and wrong faded and new ways became clear to her. Wrong was her right now and she was too proud to see any different. Along the way we talked often, once she called me drunk and high to tell me, “This is all your fault! You are the one who just left me!”.
She had gone from selfless and kind to selfish and mean. It is not right that two girls on the same path were both derailed. One by Levaquin and one by her own self destruction. Yes, my disabilities are sad and unfair, but her’s is the saddest of the two cases. Had she the want, she could bring herself out of this and be the person she wanted to be,
but she developed this attitude that she could kick the worlds ass and would.
It used to take at minimum 6 months before we would have an argument that was over in less then an hour. Now after one joke that she didn’t like, she hasn't talked to me in almost a year. Except one phone call when she needed money. Her attitude on life both angers and saddens me. I could never throw away a best friend so easily as she. In the end she did me a favor she helped me to see...
The truth is, I lost my best friend a long time ago. She has not been that person for seven years. No matter how much I told myself she was. I have excepted mine and the world’s loss. She was amazing and I thank her for being my best friend for so many years.
I miss you B.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Boycott Johnson and Johnson
Johnson and Johnson is the maker of Levaquin. The toxic antibiotic that left me disabled. Please join me in a full boycott of all of their products. Every dollar they makes leads to more people poisoned. Thanks
They own alot of products, Neutrogena, Aveeno, Listerine, Band aid, etc here is a link to their full list of products. Thanks again :) http://www.jnj.com/connect/healthcare-products/consumer/
They own alot of products, Neutrogena, Aveeno, Listerine, Band aid, etc here is a link to their full list of products. Thanks again :) http://www.jnj.com/connect/healthcare-products/consumer/
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Oh Monthly Payments
I’m Sure they started with a kind man trying to help a loyal customer who was down and out.
“Hey Bob, I’m really needing a good bull. I have to get my numbers up. How much for that big brown one?”
“Well Lyle, I’m asking 30 dollars for him. He is a prime breeding bull. Worth every penny. He will make you a fine herd.”
Lyle lowered his head in shame and tried to think of a reason why he suddenly didn’t need a bull. Bob saw this and remembered back to all the times Lyle had done business with him. Even to the time that Lyle had given Bob a half a steer to feed his family when the shop was just getting up and running.
“I’ll tell you what Lyle. You give me a dollar a month on him and you can take him today.”
With that monthly payments began and have change ever so drastically since then. One dollar a month changed to 2, then to 4, then 8. Meanwhile the price doubled and tripled. Until we are here, present day America. Where the amount you pay is always Price+Interest+Tax=Ridiculous. Ask yourself this...If I walk into a cell phone store and told them I want this cell phone with plenty of mins, unlimited texting and insurance. If they said OK that will be $2,640. $5,180 If your spouse wants a phone too and you guys can share the minutes! :) Would you pay that?.....Because you are.
Let’s say you want TV. You say I want these five specific channels and all the movie channels. They say OK but in order to get all five(most popular channels)you will need the EVERYTHING pack. You say ok every channel sounds great, how much?
Only $3,360! Would you pay that? Here is the kicker. It is Sunday your favorite team is playing their rival but they are not playing it on the common channels because your favorite team is 1000 miles away form you. So you go to the channel that does play it and you dont get that channel!!! What I get every channel! You call your friendly TV provider and they say....Oh you dont get “every channel” Its just called the EVERYTHING pak. But for $360 more I can get you those sports channels you are wanting. :)
Don't forget rent, insurances and Gym fees. The next time you go to buy something on monthly payments, pull out your trusty calculator and see just how much they are going to rip you off for. Is being able to call or text someone worth over 2 grand? Is “every” channel worth over 3 grand? Is that shiny new car worth 9 grand on top of the 10 grand mark up? Have a good day :)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Get Off Of Farmville and Do The RIGHT Thing!
Over the last few years I have grown increasingly frustrated with DUMB people. I dont know a nicer way of saying that. I can think of several meaner ways though...Scam artist, Con artist, Asswipes, soul-less wonders, heartless bastards, DirtBags..I could go on but instead I’ll get to the point. I know that doing the right thing is rarely the easiest thing, but there is a reason that it is called THE RIGHT THING....because the other way is wrong!
So many scenarios come to mind when writing this blog. Johnson & Johnson. The man who owes us 30 grand. The hairdresser who trashed my hair then defended and yelled at me for her shotty work. The man that bought my mothers car, never put it in his name getting multiple tickets and eventually got it impounded, now she is responsible for your debt. Bally total fitness, you are a corporation of scammers. The infamous bearded troll...you know who you are....i took the fall for you but in the end we all see through your whiskers.
There are multiple BAD people in this world. What really makes me sick however, are the ones that leave an endless supply of pain in the wreckage they cause and don’t care. Currently I am dealing with a certain person like this. This person created a life, without any thought or caring of what it’s quality of life would be. She did something dirty for one reason. It seems as though this reason is always somewhere in the shadows of all scams. Money. The life that was created was given a host of pain. All of which could have been avoided had this person not made the poor choices they did. I happen to love this life and by loving it feel pain at watching it suffer. I am doing everything in my power to make the life, a happy and pain free one. These people don’t think of the rippling effect that pain has.
They are all the same. They throw out false guarantees to make the scam. They act as though they are your very best friend. There is always a reason that the scam must be rushed to completion. When things end up bad they... First ignore, Second play the stupid card, Third blame you, Forth ignore again, Fifth scream attorney in an effort to scare you away from holding them accountable. I will be the first to admit that these steps have worked in SEVERAL of my personal scenarios. I begin to think it is not worth the trouble, I tell myself “just shrug it off, move on.” This time however I will not do that. This person will be held accountable for their actions that have caused pain. It is disturbing to hear the heartlessness and the lack of personal responsibility they have displayed.
I realize it is hard times for everyone, but I urge you all to think of the many times you have been screwed over and how it felt, when you are in a place to do the right or wrong thing. Please do the right thing. I would welcome any who read this to add your worst “screwed over” experience in the comment box. Maybe that person will happen upon it one day, hear your side and finally do the right thing....HAHAhaha probably not but it might make you feel better to vent a little. :)
Friday, March 5, 2010
Those poor kids...Updated
We all know at least one. One truly honest to god bad parent. The one that is selfish, unsanitary and embarrassing. They know what they are and that is what makes them so terrible. They refuse to change, “not for anyone” they say. Anyone? Not even your kids? The innocent lives that didn’t ask you to get knocked up and drag them into this world, lungs full of your smoke. Certainly not just so you could trap a man into marriage, a life of lies and unhappiness. That is not a reason to make a life. Perhaps to a girl who is immature and desperate to keep a guy she doesn’t really know but has convinced herself is “the one.”
It is not all her fault, most times she comes from a line of users and abusers. Users/Abusers of drugs. Users/Abusers of alcohol. Users/Abusers of the government. Often times all the above an so it is in this case. It is genetically engrained in her to be a user and to make more users. When and where will the chain end? With this girls children or five generations from now? For most of these bad parents it is easy to turn the cheek. You see them at the zoo, the mall, the grocery store and you keep walking. The question posed today is...What about the ones you care about? The babies you know and love.
Do you say the truth? Do you let them know they are horrid parents and are feeding a vicious, monstrous circle. Do you give small subtle hints? Do you bite your tongue until it bleeds, hoping that they will see the sins and correct them? I have now, as of today tried each of these and feel I should share my experience with you the reader. Perhaps my insights will help you in a similar situation.
Subtle hints I have found do not work! They yield ongoing excuses from the bad parent justifying the actions or neglect. They will show in actions that they continue on ruining the lives of their children while telling you how much they have changed. Resulting in mounting irritation and tension between hinter and hintee. I would shy away from this option. Which leaves the direct approach or the passive.
If you bite your tongue in hopes that they will become wise to their ways, you will lose your tongue and have to find something else to bite. This will never happen, they will not change without being faced with the truth. Does that truth have to be your child actually falling out of that second story window to her death while you play farmville? Does it have to be them growing up to be a druggy, alcoholic on welfare? Or can you hear the words of friends and family and change your ways, for their future? Which brings us to the last option.
Telling the bad parent...You are a bad parent. Today I couldn’t stand the tension, the hints, the pain from slowly amputating my own tongue any longer. I let it all out. I said the truths that have haunted me since the first of two were born. You are a bad mom. You are manipulative. You are a compulsive liar. You are verbally and sometimes physically abusive to your infants. You are neglectful of them and let them live in utter disgust. You spend more time complaining of their existence then caring for them lovingly. It is heartbreaking to see. It is wrong. I said it to her and.....
It did no good. Defenses took over, they used the same old threat as always...when someone tries to speak up....”you cant see my kids!” It is not that they cannot change but will not look into themselves and change for their babies. They will not admit to the world they are wrong. If they did that would take work. Work that they are too lazy to do. So instead they get very angry and try to discredit you or say it is none of your business.
It is my business in two ways. One: I love them. I care about them. When you leave them in my care, under my responsibility you are saying. “I trust your judgement, I trust that you know what is best for my kids” If you don’t then you should not be leaving them with me. Therefore you should trust my judgement when I say you are doing things very wrong. I say this only because I care about you and them. I want the best for each of you.
Two: It is my business as a citizen of this world. If you bring a child into this world(two in this case) they are my problem. If one becomes a terrorist my life is at stake. If they grow up to suckle at the govt teat I have to pay for them to live. The person you are raising today will vote tomorrow. Their vote could change MY world. Every child born effects everyone in this world not just you! If you are going to have one raise it right. Love it. Feed it. Clean it. Teach it. Your life is not just about you anymore it is about them!
Your family is your judge and jury. They are there to love you, support you AND hold you accountable. If you are wrong they should be the ones to tell you and you should listen. They know you best. As parents no one is perfect, as humans no one is perfect, This I understand completely. The point is not to be a perfect parent but to put your whole heart, your whole life into doing the best you can do. That is all anyone can ask for and all your children need from you.
In conclusion if I could do it again, I would have said the truth sooner. If I never get to see them again and she is better to them then so be it. Them having a happy childhood, them growing up to be good productive people, them living long healthy lives. That is why I say the hard things, the things people only say behind your back. For them.
UPDATE: To clarify I know several parents that have things very skewed. If you take this blog to mean you then i'd say you feel that you apply to the points and should work that out :)
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