
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Get Off Of Farmville and Do The RIGHT Thing!

        Over the last few years I have grown increasingly frustrated with DUMB people. I dont know a nicer way of saying that. I can think of several meaner ways though...Scam  artist, Con artist, Asswipes, soul-less wonders, heartless bastards, DirtBags..I could go on but instead I’ll get to the point. I know that doing the right thing is rarely the easiest thing, but there is a reason that it is called THE RIGHT THING....because the other way is wrong!
So many scenarios come to mind when writing this blog. Johnson & Johnson. The man who owes us 30 grand. The hairdresser who trashed my hair then defended and yelled at me for her shotty work. The man that bought my mothers car, never put it in his name getting multiple tickets and eventually got it impounded, now she is responsible for your debt. Bally total fitness, you are a corporation of scammers. The infamous bearded know who you are....i took the fall for you but in the end we all see through your whiskers. 
There are multiple BAD people in this world. What really makes me sick however, are the ones that leave an endless supply of pain in the wreckage they cause and don’t care. Currently I am dealing with a certain person like this. This person created a life, without any thought or caring of what it’s quality of life would be. She did something dirty for one reason. It seems as though this reason is always somewhere in the shadows of all scams. Money. The life that was created was given a host of pain. All of which could have been avoided had this person not made the poor choices they did. I happen to love this life and by loving it feel pain at watching it suffer. I am doing everything in my power to make the life, a happy and pain free one. These people don’t think of the rippling effect that pain has. 
They are all the same. They throw out false guarantees to make the scam. They act as though they are your very best friend. There is always a reason that the scam must be rushed to completion. When things end up bad they... First ignore, Second play the stupid card, Third blame you, Forth ignore again, Fifth scream attorney in an effort to scare you away from holding them accountable. I will be the first to admit that these steps have worked in SEVERAL of my personal scenarios. I begin to think it is not worth the trouble, I tell myself “just shrug it off, move on.” This time however I will not do that. This person will be held accountable for their actions that have caused pain. It is disturbing to hear the heartlessness and the lack of personal responsibility they have displayed. 
I realize it is hard times for everyone, but I urge you all to think of the many times you have been screwed over and how it felt, when you are in a place to do the right or wrong thing. Please do the right thing. I would welcome any who read this to add your worst “screwed over” experience in the comment box. Maybe that person will happen upon it one day, hear your side and finally do the right thing....HAHAhaha probably not but it might make you feel better to vent a little. :)


  1. Fuck Them All

  2. some times peopel make bad choices, i dont believe that that makes them bad.... But i do believe that there are bad people out there i just hope i dont know anyone that would do this to me. i am very optamistic(if i speeled that right). i hope all gets better for you and everything works out.
